Canvas to Catwalk | Charleville WOW Festival

What started out as an exciting invitation, turned out to be an incredibly rewarding journey for the Charleville community and team at Red Ridge the Label.

Early 2021, Women of the World Festival approached Red Ridge the Label to showcase our Diamantina and Georgina collections as part of their program celebrating the achievements of women and girls living in remote and regional areas.

In order to engage with the community at a deeper level and to enable the women in the town to also be a part of the festival, Red Ridge the Label hosted two workshops in March 2021, which allowed the participating women to learn to create their very own unique piece of fabric featuring their personal designs and story.

Once the canvas artwork was painted, the Red Ridge team designed each into a repeat pattern and arranged for them all to be printed on a beautiful soft flowing fabric. With the help of local seamstress Narelle, each woman had a dress custom made for them using their one-off design. Or as we like to call it; Canvas to Catwalk.

We blinked, and it was Friday 4th June. After much planning, prep, practice runs and a little joozh of hair and makeup, it was time to hit the catwalk!

The result? Well, you can see for yourself in our snapshot!
We'd like to thank Katrina Lehman for capturing the journey. @katrinalehmannphotos